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Automotive Battery

AL MANA Enterprises has tied up with Vipiemme Spa of Italy, in order to introduce high quality European automotive Batteries in Qatar. Vipiemme Spa is present in Italy, in the market of lead accumulators industry, since 1980.

The company began its activity with the aim to produce and sell, lead-acid batteries for goods vehicles, both light and heavy. Afterwards expanded presence in all automotive battery applications.

Current production of Vipiemme stands at about 1.4 million batteries per year, which find their place not only in the Italian aftermarket but also many other countries worldwide.

Vipiemme over the years has found great international partner that deal with the commercialization of its products and have direct operations in France, Middle East and Ukraine apart from Italy. The products are currently present in many markets of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia through the network of Vipiemme authorized distributors.

Vipiemme has a significantly longer lifespan because the calcium-based compound metal reduces the use of electrolytic solutions and minimizes the self-discharge to almost negligible. It maintains a stable performance without ever refiling the solutions throughout its entire lifespan.

In Qatar automotive market, at present following range of Vipiemme is being promoted;

  • Katana (Wet charged, Ready to use, Maintenance free, Thicker plates)
  • AGM (Special absorbent glass Separator, Heavy Duty, Maintenance Free)
  • Safe Energy Plus (+30% starter power, Maintenance free, Thicker plates)
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The battery KATANAIt is designed for cars from Asia. They are constructed with both alloy grids Pb / Ca alloy is Pb / Sb, all with increased thickness compared to the standard, to meet the different needs required on the market such as low water consumption, high resistance to corrosion and short circuit. Low self-discharge under normal storage conditions in a cool dry place. The series is also provided with optical hydrometer device for checking the electrolyte level in the battery. Also on the cover is inserted in the recessed ergonomic handle, for easy transportation in order to facilitate the installation inside the compartments in which the space is reduced. A greater safety even in the seal caps with smooth surface, to limit the possibilities of opening by non-expert personnel in order to prevent the leak acid resulting in damage and injury. The presence of the anti-explosive pad in the lid prevents sparks or external flames can penetrate inside the battery and cause it to explode.

  • Upload ready to use from 40 to 100 Ah
  • Technology grids expanded alloy Pb \ Ca ° and grids fused Pb \ Sb low Sb content *
  • Plates with increased thickness
  • Cover with central degassing
  • Maintenance
  • Tablet explosion
  • Ergonomic handle recessed
  • Magic Eye
  • Very low self-discharge
  • Resistant to vibrations (V2)

The batteries AGM designed to START and STOP applications, they are built with technology grids cast alloy Pb / Ca / Ag.

They use a glass wool separator which has the purpose of retaining the all 'internal battery acid. This technology allows the recombination of gases in water that develop inside the cells. In addition, the gas that is unable to recombine immediately, is regulated by valves VRLA placed on the stoppers. This whole series of factors garantische accumulator a consumption of water equal to zero with the consequent characteristic of being WITHOUT MAINTENANCE . Other features of the range are a 'high resistance to the cycles and a very low problematic with respect to the short circuit.

  • Upload ready to use from 50 to 90 Ah
  • Hybrid technology with positive grids cast alloy Pb \ Ca \ Ag and negative expanded in Pb / Ca
  • Special absorbent separator (AGM)
  • Airtight lid
  • Special caps with valve VRLA
  • High performance and cycle life
  • Resistant Heavy Duty vibration (V3)
  • Flipping 180 lossless
  • Very low self-discharge
  • Maintenance
  • Wet charged and ready to use from 45 to 100 Ah
  • Expanded alloy grids technology with Pb\Ca
  • Thicker plates
  • Higher starting capacity
  • Hi-performance polyethylene envelope separator
  • >+30% starter power
  • >180 degree rotation without leakage
  • Hermetic DUPLEX lid with gas recovery
  • Explosion-proof pad
  • Very low self-discharge
  • Vibration resistant (V2)
  • Maintenance free
  • Magic eye + caps with double o-ring
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